Monday, June 22, 2009

Journal Entry #1

IE 1

How does Values Education work to your advantage?

After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

Values Education is a course that form values to us students. And these Values have a very important role in our life; it can help us unite within our families or even in our classroom. Values Education also help us to adjust in our college life.

Some of my first few experiences at MCL are meeting new friends, experiencing different schedules, going room to room according to our subject and many more. These experiences will help me achieve successful adjustment in college by learning from my mistakes like not being late in any course especially in Draw021 because this will cause you to rush in your work. Another thing are my friends, they can help me adjust in college. And most importantly by evaluating these experiences I will learn the diffrebces between Highschool and college life and this will help me to achieve successful adjustment in college.

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