Monday, June 29, 2009

Journal entry#2

*How was your first week of stay at MCL?
*Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?
*Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the streghts and weaknesses of your section?
*How do you find your courses?Which one do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging?Why?
*Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through?What are they?Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotion, and social environment.

My first week of stay at MCL is all right. At the first day of regular classes, I was upset because it’s raining and I got wet while I was riding the tricycle on the other hand I was very excited to meet my new mentors, new friends and classmates. Fortunately, my first course at my first day at MCL was DRAW021 where we met our excellent professor Mr. Henry Paz. My college life starts in that day, I was a little bit nervous because I don’t know if I had block mates whom I know. And luckily I found a friend, and she has the same section as mine. I also had a former high school classmate who happened to be one of my block mates. I had a great time with my first week in MCL, I met new friends and as the days go I had an opportunity to know more about.

About my professors, they are all good. They have different positive traits, some of them are funny and sharing some jokes to make the class alive, some are very strict and they are being respected by their students. All of them are very professionals and I know we will learn a lot from them. They’re all excellent.

Our section is fantastic. All of them are friendly. I am enjoying being with them. Most of the time we are laughing and laughing because of something funny and for some other reasons. I think the strength of our section is we are cooperative and we had unity and almost all of us are friends. All of us are willing to help each other. And I think our weakness is there are few persons who don’t like to be with the whole class, they like to be separated.

I find all of our courses very interesting yet there are some who are challenging for me. I think Humanities and Philippine History are a little bit challenging courses for me because there are different terms or words that we need to understand and be familiarize, and another thing I really hate History. For me, Values Education and Physical Education is easy. In Values Education, it is more on giving us values as a person, and it’s easy for us because we just need to express ourselves.

I think I need to know more about my classmates and be friendly with them. I think I also need to focus or be more serious in my studies because I’m not a high school student anymore who has an attitude of happy go lucky. THAT’S IT!!! :)

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