Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Journal Entry#3

*If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

If I will have one outstanding virtue, I think that would be “RESPECT”. Respect for others is something that you must do every time for you to also gain respect from them. If you disrespect them maybe they will come up disrespecting you also. There are many things that you need to respect, not only individuals but also certain rules. You must respect different rules and regulations to avoid different consequences. Even simple Traffic rules, if all individuals respect this rules I think there would be a great change in our roads. Our roads will be organized and the vehicle will all be in order. If this will happen, we can avoid heavy traffic which always the problem of many vehicle user. Respect can be use in many ways. If all of us will have this respect there will be a great change in our society. :]

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