Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entry#5

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”

Up to now, the most challenging I had ever accomplished was to graduate in highschool. I can say that my greatest achievement was my diploma. I am very happy when graduation day had come. All the faculty staffs in our school ‘DON BOSCO COLLEGE’ are very happy for each of us. After four years of suffer, hardships and many more difficulties, we finally came to the end. All of us did tons of effort just to march through the stage and receive our diploma. I hope that the next most challenging thing I will accomplish is to graduate again but now in COLLEGE, in my school MCL.:))

During our highschool days, we need to be a responsible student. being a responsible student requires a lot of effort not only in studying but also different things that a student are supposed to do. There are lots of difficulties that we need to face for us to graduate. Well, I'm very proud of myself in achieving this challenging thing.

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