Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entry#6


-I challenge myself to get high score in a quiz or seatwork.

-I was able to beat this challenge to myself. I got a perfect score in our Exam in math011. I am happy with myself that I had win this challenge. And its a good thing that our exam that week is math 'coz its one of my favorite subjects.

-I realize that I can a high score in each school works as long as I am prepared and if I will have a goal of having a score. I learned that I can do it.:)


When I watch the Inconvenient truth, the most striking scene for me there was a great possibility that the sea level will rise due to the melting of huge Ica caps. This possibility of sea level rising will have a great effect in the coast line of each country or even sink a small country. It was very alarming especially for us Filipinos because Phillipines is an archipelago.

I feel sad while watching the movie because it says the many effects of global warming and what can happen to the future. I feel pity among the people that are really affected with the different calamities. I was also scared for the worse things that can happen in the future.

After I watched the movie, I realize that we need to make a move, all of us, to prevent global warming because all of us will be the one who will suffer the effects. And in fact It was also done by us..

There are many ways to take care of are environment, especially when you have the budget and when you are in the position. But even us, students can do little way to protect our environment. In just being a responsible citizen, throwing garbage in the right place, we can help. We can also help by avoid using things that produce CFC which is the main factor of the global warming.

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