Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entry#10


In my highschool years I experience a lot of peer pressure. Most of the time my friends Invite me to come with them to hung up, to have an drinking session. Of course I refuse to join them because my parents will surely get angry at me if they will know. After I refuse, they still keep on convincing me. And because I know that I'm a man, I'll keep on my words they can't convince me no matter what. After that, I feel happy because I feel that I face one difficult thing. I realized that you need to know the good from bad and choose on your own don't be influence by others.

Journal Entry#9


In my understanding a Responsible person is a person who do his duties, who knows to do his responsibilities in different aspects. All of us have different responsibilities. My responsibility in our home is to be a good son for my parents, a good brother for my sister and especially a good man i our family. At home, there duties that I need to do, and these are may responsibilities for example to clean my own bed, to teach my younger sisters, to clean my own bed and room and there are many more. In school, I need to be a good student. I need to participate well in class, avoid making noise which can disturb the class... In our Community, I need to follow different rules that are imposed there. Its a good thing to do your Responsibilities, if you will not be ready for the consequences,.

Journal Entry#8

TRUTH Challenge

The challenge that I chose was to return excess change. I was able to do the challenge. As always I feel happy everytime imade a good act. Returning excess change was not new to me, I had encounter this many times before and as my previos teacher thought me, I always return the excess. By these small things you can show how honest you are, that you can be proud of. With this experience I learned that there are many temptations around, and its up to you whether you will fell for it. I can say that you can avoid these temptations by being truth to yourself, be HONEST.:))

Journal Entry#7

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

The results of my personal health assesment is not that bad, but Ihad many things that I just realize. Well, im a big person, we can say a fat person, I know that I need to more cautious in my health coz I know that I'm prone in diffferent illness. From now on I'll take care of my self, I'll try to be more health. I need to be more concern about my health.

I think I need to do more exercises for me to be more healthy. Eat healthy foods. I think I also need a healthy diet..:))

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away:

Journal Entry#6


-I challenge myself to get high score in a quiz or seatwork.

-I was able to beat this challenge to myself. I got a perfect score in our Exam in math011. I am happy with myself that I had win this challenge. And its a good thing that our exam that week is math 'coz its one of my favorite subjects.

-I realize that I can a high score in each school works as long as I am prepared and if I will have a goal of having a score. I learned that I can do it.:)


When I watch the Inconvenient truth, the most striking scene for me there was a great possibility that the sea level will rise due to the melting of huge Ica caps. This possibility of sea level rising will have a great effect in the coast line of each country or even sink a small country. It was very alarming especially for us Filipinos because Phillipines is an archipelago.

I feel sad while watching the movie because it says the many effects of global warming and what can happen to the future. I feel pity among the people that are really affected with the different calamities. I was also scared for the worse things that can happen in the future.

After I watched the movie, I realize that we need to make a move, all of us, to prevent global warming because all of us will be the one who will suffer the effects. And in fact It was also done by us..

There are many ways to take care of are environment, especially when you have the budget and when you are in the position. But even us, students can do little way to protect our environment. In just being a responsible citizen, throwing garbage in the right place, we can help. We can also help by avoid using things that produce CFC which is the main factor of the global warming.

Journal Entry#5

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”

Up to now, the most challenging I had ever accomplished was to graduate in highschool. I can say that my greatest achievement was my diploma. I am very happy when graduation day had come. All the faculty staffs in our school ‘DON BOSCO COLLEGE’ are very happy for each of us. After four years of suffer, hardships and many more difficulties, we finally came to the end. All of us did tons of effort just to march through the stage and receive our diploma. I hope that the next most challenging thing I will accomplish is to graduate again but now in COLLEGE, in my school MCL.:))

During our highschool days, we need to be a responsible student. being a responsible student requires a lot of effort not only in studying but also different things that a student are supposed to do. There are lots of difficulties that we need to face for us to graduate. Well, I'm very proud of myself in achieving this challenging thing.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Journal Entry#4


1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

Well, looking back at that list of my positive traits makes me feel good in many reasons. I feel very happy to have this positive traits, it can serves as my guide to a wonderful life. I realize that with these traits I can say that I’m a good person and I can be a ‘Better Person’ or even be the Best...:))

2. The Golden Rule says “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:

- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation:

~When this will happen, I want them to respect me, don’t laugh at my answer. And for the teacher I want him/her not to degrade me, just correct what is my mistake.

- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;

~I want them to respect my opinion, anyway there are no wrong opinions. More importantly, I want them to listen to me in this way they can show their full respect for me. Listening is a great thing.

- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;

~While giving my suggestion, I want my groupmates to listen to listen to me, understand what I am saying ‘coz maybe this can help our group. And if they don’t like it, its fine for me. And after that we’ll listen to the other one who will share his/her suggestion.

- when you commit mistake;

~When I commit mistake, I want them to understand my situation. Many says that we are just a person and there's no such thing as perfect person. All of us commit mistakes. I just want them to understand me.:)

- when you don’t like doing what they ask you to do;and

~hmmmm....If I don't like it, I won't do it. I hope they undserstand it. Maybe there are some serious reasons in not doing it, maybe its bad or aomething else..I want them to understand my decision.

-when they want to give you their comments or suggestions:

~well, I will listen to them, understand them. In that way I can show my respect for them. Even if their comments are negative, i will still be respectful to them.

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

~I will treat them with respect. As i said in the previos journal, my outstanding virtue would be restpect,respect others especially elders. These staffs for sure are older than me. That's why I need to respect them in the first place.

Journal Entry#3

*If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

If I will have one outstanding virtue, I think that would be “RESPECT”. Respect for others is something that you must do every time for you to also gain respect from them. If you disrespect them maybe they will come up disrespecting you also. There are many things that you need to respect, not only individuals but also certain rules. You must respect different rules and regulations to avoid different consequences. Even simple Traffic rules, if all individuals respect this rules I think there would be a great change in our roads. Our roads will be organized and the vehicle will all be in order. If this will happen, we can avoid heavy traffic which always the problem of many vehicle user. Respect can be use in many ways. If all of us will have this respect there will be a great change in our society. :]

Monday, June 29, 2009

Journal entry#2

*How was your first week of stay at MCL?
*Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?
*Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the streghts and weaknesses of your section?
*How do you find your courses?Which one do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging?Why?
*Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through?What are they?Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotion, and social environment.

My first week of stay at MCL is all right. At the first day of regular classes, I was upset because it’s raining and I got wet while I was riding the tricycle on the other hand I was very excited to meet my new mentors, new friends and classmates. Fortunately, my first course at my first day at MCL was DRAW021 where we met our excellent professor Mr. Henry Paz. My college life starts in that day, I was a little bit nervous because I don’t know if I had block mates whom I know. And luckily I found a friend, and she has the same section as mine. I also had a former high school classmate who happened to be one of my block mates. I had a great time with my first week in MCL, I met new friends and as the days go I had an opportunity to know more about.

About my professors, they are all good. They have different positive traits, some of them are funny and sharing some jokes to make the class alive, some are very strict and they are being respected by their students. All of them are very professionals and I know we will learn a lot from them. They’re all excellent.

Our section is fantastic. All of them are friendly. I am enjoying being with them. Most of the time we are laughing and laughing because of something funny and for some other reasons. I think the strength of our section is we are cooperative and we had unity and almost all of us are friends. All of us are willing to help each other. And I think our weakness is there are few persons who don’t like to be with the whole class, they like to be separated.

I find all of our courses very interesting yet there are some who are challenging for me. I think Humanities and Philippine History are a little bit challenging courses for me because there are different terms or words that we need to understand and be familiarize, and another thing I really hate History. For me, Values Education and Physical Education is easy. In Values Education, it is more on giving us values as a person, and it’s easy for us because we just need to express ourselves.

I think I need to know more about my classmates and be friendly with them. I think I also need to focus or be more serious in my studies because I’m not a high school student anymore who has an attitude of happy go lucky. THAT’S IT!!! :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Journal Entry #1

IE 1

How does Values Education work to your advantage?

After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

Values Education is a course that form values to us students. And these Values have a very important role in our life; it can help us unite within our families or even in our classroom. Values Education also help us to adjust in our college life.

Some of my first few experiences at MCL are meeting new friends, experiencing different schedules, going room to room according to our subject and many more. These experiences will help me achieve successful adjustment in college by learning from my mistakes like not being late in any course especially in Draw021 because this will cause you to rush in your work. Another thing are my friends, they can help me adjust in college. And most importantly by evaluating these experiences I will learn the diffrebces between Highschool and college life and this will help me to achieve successful adjustment in college.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009